Monday, August 29, 2011

Chapter 4: Exhuastion sets in

So I have been such a slacker. I should have blogged sooner than this. A lot has been going on and some very exciting things have gone on since the last blog. So I will make you wait no longer.

SCHOOL started three days ago!!!!! Open house was last Wednesday. I have to say that the whole day was a  blur. I know that I was working like crazy to get everything ready for that night. When 6:00 hit i felt like I was going to hrow up. It was the weirdest but, greatest feeling I have ever felt in my life. I met most of my little sweethearts. They were really excited to be in the classroom. I had my ears talked off by several parents. They were amazing and very willing to support me and there child. I felt amazing after open house however, I was totally exhuasted. I was also very overwhelmed. I was going to star the first day of school on my own in less than 24 hours. I had no clue how the day would go. I was not sure if all my little ones would cry. I was not even sure that I wouldn't be crying.

Well................Finally Thursday came and I was their bright and early waiting for them studnets to walk in. When they all started to come in It was like second nature to me. One of my little girls was crying and very upset. I sat on the floor with her in my lap and we looked through a solor book. Within 5 minutes she was happy and smiling. I felt like things would turn out pretty good. We Had a long morning of rules and procedures. The studnets took a tour of the school. They were VERY hungery by the time we had lunch. I have to say that for my first day of school things went smoother than I thought that they would. The kids followed directions and did AMAZING!! I was so excited and happy that I told them that I think 10 million times. Dimissmal went off with a bang! I had only one student that had to have his parents called to come and pick him up.

Day two came around and I was feel very good about how the day would turn out, We had a great time during to morning. I taught the studnets the alphebet in sign language. They did a good job with repeating it. I think that about 11:45 I started to feel the exhuastion set in to my bones. I was getting very tired which did not make a goo combo for the afternoon. Dimissal came around and I have to say that it was HORRIBLE. Several of the bus riders stayed with the car riders. The ACES students had no clue where they needed to go to wait to be dismissed. Mrs. Gunning and I were going crazy trying to figure out where all our students were. It was a rough afternoon.  I have to say that I was so unbeleablie ready to go home. I fed the fish and I was out of their.

Todd and I met and went to dinner at STOKRIDGE the new Grill where I live.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Chapter3: Excitment

So I have to catch you up on the latest happenings in my life. It know that it has been a few days since the last blog. I have been excited and busy. Thursday of last week was a major day. I was able to move into my room at Peeler YAY!! It was a major event. We moved all the 14,000 boxes into my room. I proceeded to take the WHOLE day to get the 29,000 things that had been stuffed into these boxes out. The room is kinda set up. I have not chairs or tables. I'm sure that this week I will get to that part. My main goal was to get everything out of the boxes and into a space.

I was able to see the names of my precious little ones i have 23 of them. I'm somewhat overwhelmed with that number. I mean really I'm one person with only two eyes. This whole keep an eye out for all 23 is going to be interesting. I have started a note book for my students. I will keep all the important information on them there. That way I don't have like tons of papers sticking out of holes everywhere in my room. I have yet to decorate my room. That is a task that my amazing mother and I will be attempting to attack this week. I have a few days this week and next week to prepare for the tea party and open house. It is coming down to the wire.

That is the most recent school update. Now moving on to another subject that I love to talk puppy. He is an English Bulldog. On Saturday we went to see his allergy vet. Yes my dog has allergies. Matter of fact he has to have allergy shots twice a week. So he went to a check up. Background info for you, he has been dealing with major skin issues for the past few months. I was getting worried that there was something else wrong. So anyway, when we got to the vet he went CRAZY!! It was like the owned the joint. The doc came in and after a long conversation we decided that he needed a break. So he does not get shots for two weeks. He has to take anti fungal meds along with antibiotics for his bacterial infection on his skin. There is also a lotion that I'm having to put on his feet so that he will not lick them. Which by the way at this very moment he is going to town on (GRRRRRRR)!!!!! Anyway he is also taking benadryl and claritin.I tell ya he takes more meds than I do on any given day.

In 2 weeks as long as there is no yeast on his feet or under his eye and he has no little skin bumps then we start back the shots. The shots are what he is allergic to in a liquid form. He was on vial 3 which is a SUPPER dose of what he is allergic to. He got that twice a week (crazy i know). However, when we start back we will be doing 2 shots twice a week of vial 2. This is a diluted version of vial 3.The doc told me that back in Feb this year is was in vial 2 and doing AMAZING. She seems to think that all the issues that little man is having are due to vial 3(EVIL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) So we hope that when we start up that things will stay good,. We are even hoping that he will sit still for his shots.

Hey i know you think I'm crazy, I mean really who in their right mind would sit still for a shot. I know that I wouldn't matter of fact I have been known to pull my arm away form a nurse who was told to give me a shot. However, for whatever reason Patch did AMAZING with his shots for the first 3-4 months. It was only recently that he would run fro us when it was that time. He also cries out when he gets them. Which kills me. This little guy is like my human child. You would think that i carried the little dude for 9 months and gave birth to him. Which I have to say would be really weird and gross. Anyway,he is the best thing ever. I would not trade him for the world even though he drives me nuts on occasion. I'm just trying to make him feel better. I feel so sorry for him when he starts to itch. I have to tell him no and sometimes I have to pop him. It hurts me to fuss at him for it. I know that it is not his fault that he is itching like crazy. We defiantly hope that this issue will be resolved very soon.

Now for a vent session. I have to say this because I thought it was messed up. Not that i care all that much anymore. Saturday at 1:00 I was supposed to go to a store for a cake tasting. May I mention that this was my first tasting ever. So needless to say I was really excited. Upon arrival I was not helped right away. After I would guess 10 minutes a young lady came out to me and said that the you girl who was going to do my tasting was not there...... That's right she was not there. I was there , but not her. Why you might ask..., because she was setting up for the wedding show that was going on Sunday. The young lady proceeded to tell me that the young girl tried to call me and the number did not work. You that's right my number didn't work. I can tell you know that the number that was written down was correct so that was not the problem. I also can tell you that I never got a message from her either. My message on my phone says my name. So if she called to reschedule way would you not leave a message for me to call you?????? Well I'm thinking that either a) she never called me and they tried to save her butt, or b)she dialed the wrong number and didn't bother to try again. Either way I was not called therefore, there was not cake tasting done Saturday.

I left with my mom and was needless to say i was very aggravated with the whole situations. The more I thought about it the madder I got that she said my number didn't work. So I decided I'm doing the cake tasting this Thursday at 11:00. That is when the young lady rescheduled me for. I'm not doing it because I will be buying from them. I want to do this because I want to know what the experience is like. I will not be buying from them. Let me repeat I WILL NOT BE BUYING FROM THEM!! That is not the way you treat possible costumers. I don;t care how good the cake is. i was not happy with the way things were done.

Okay I'm done with the vent. I don't think that I'm wrong in the way I feel about that situation. I think the way that I plan to go about it is good.However, your opinions are more than welcome on how you might deal with that. Oh let me say before I leave I have a Beta fish that I'm taking to my classroom. I'm excited about this because I love Beta fish. However there is one issue.... I have not name for my fish. Sad I know the fish with no name. I think that at some point it will come to me. Clifford seems to be a good name. I'm just not sure if that is the best name for him. Any suggestions would be great.

your friend who is excited about school and has a fish with no name

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Chapter 2: Feeling Like An Alpaca?

So just to catch everyone up today things went a lot better. The computers and printer are fixed. The car was fixed. Then I found out that I would be able to move into my room at Peeler tomorrow WOOOHOOOO!!!! So there that is hope you all are as excited as me.

So I totally know that the title of tonight's blog is a little strange. Why in the world would anyone feel like an Alpaca? I know, but I have somewhere that I'm going with this. Late last night while blogging I was talking to a friend of mine that I met my first year teaching. It all started by me commenting on her picture album that had alpacas in it. She explained to me that this loving animal might not spit, but they prefer for you not to get to close unless they know you or you are their owner. I know I know what does that have any thing to do with the price in China. Well I got to thinking today about all that. Don't we sometimes act just like them. We only want to be around the people that we know. We only want to hang out with our friends.  We don't talk to strangers and we try not to make eye contact with others while walking down the street. A little stand offish don't you think. I would not want to talk to someone who was like that if I saw them walking down the sidewalk.

However, then I had a strange thought what if......we were a little more friendly. We have no idea what people are going through when we met them at the store, walking down the sidewalk, or sit next to at the nail place. They could be having the worst day. Lost all their money. Maybe they just lost a family member or a close friend. What if they are in a not so healthy relationship. Therefore, while not give them a little smile. Say hello how are you. Making a little conversations at the right opportunity is not all that bad right??

Know I bet your thinking why is she thinking about this? Well I know a lady that is in a rough place in life. Out of respect for her I will not say her name or anything else that might give her idenity away. I met the young lady a few months ago due to similar interests. We never really talked a lot it was once in a while. You know we did the usual check facebook. We might comment on a status or picture but, that was the end of it. Recently, With what little communication we have had she trusted me enough to confide a few personal things about her life. I would have never ever known any of the things I was told. With understanding II told my friend not to worry about a thing that I understood. She was very grateful that I was so sweet and understanding.

So today I got to thinking what if I'm one of the few lights in her life. What if talking to me or confiding in me was a relief for her. What if a smile form me or a simple hey thinking about you will make her smile. With that thought I thought what if I met someone on the sidewalk and just simply said hi and smiled. What if being a little more open made them smile. What if that man them not go home and yell out their 6 year old. What if that allows her to have a peaceful night at home. So with all those though I said hey self you need to be like that. Think about it this way your smile could change a persons day completely.

So what I;m really trying to say is don't an alpaca. Spiting is not nice and a smile can go a long way.

Your friend who is not going to be an alpaca, but keep smiling

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Chapter 1: Things don''t always go as planned

So I have to admit...... I have never ever blogged before.. I know it is a shock. So i guess being new to this blog thing I should tell you about myself. So I will be giving you a brief... very brief!

I'm a 25 year old newly engaged young lady. I'm a new teacher in Guilford county. I'm starting my second year teaching a K-1 combo. I graduated from UNCG. I'm a home body I like to hang out and relax. I LOVE my parents. They have been so supportive of everything that I have done throughout my life. I'm getting married to my man in August of next year. He is very sweet. We met through a mutual friends of ours 6 years ago. We have a son who will turn 2 on the 29th of August. Let me clarify that our son is an English Bulldog. His name is Patch and he is the light of our world. I feel that is enough for now.

So I'm sure you are trying to figure out what exactly it is in my life that didn't go as planned. Based on the description above I have it all right??? Great parents, a man, and a sweet pup. I'm very happy with my life I'm not blogging to complain about that. It is the small things that I'm blogging about. The everyday things that just don't go exactly right. A little background info. I taught my first year at OAk View Elem. I took a retiring teachers job so it was a blessing from God. At the end of the year I was told that I was a surplus teacher. This means that they needed a teacher else where. So I was able to pick the school that I moved to. I choose Peeler Open in Greensboro.

Now Jump forward to this week. I was finally going to be able to move ALL of my stuff to my new room. Hint when I say ALL I  mean 3 truck loads of things. Needless to say I have a lot of stuff to move from my parents house to my new room by Wednesday. My loving mom had taken off Monday of this week to help me move things in. We drive to the school in my uncle's Jimmy. (FYI the Jimmy has NO AC) So we go into the school to look at the room. To my surprise the custodian join us in my room. She informs me that my room is not ready because the floors are not ready. Then she tells me that Wednesday we would be able to start moving in.

My mom and I leave the school and go shopping. I have at this point not mentioned that earlier that morning we had to drop my new car off to get a fule sensor replaced. So well shopping I get a call from the dealership telling me that the part that was ordered from the factory was bad so my car was not ready. They did at least pay for me to get a rental car. So I was very unproductive on Monday. So we now arrive to this morning. I call my school just to make sure that I would really be able to move in.........Guess what..............yup you got it I could not move in. I was told that the best they could do is Thursday. To add to the news the schools are closed on Fridays right now.

So I was bummed and decided that I would go shop or window shop. This way I would be closer to the dealership so when my car was ready I could go get it. Well I will give you 3 guesses as to what happened with that and the first 2 don't count. If you guessed that it was not ready you are a smart cookie. The new part that they ordered came from out of Michigan. It was not shipped here till late the night before. So I have not car. I was told I would have it by tomorrow (We hope). So to round out my day I found out that our wireless router died. So we go to Staples for and emergency trip to get a new router.

So I decided I would try my hand at set up the new wireless router. After all together 3-4 hours I finally got the Internet up. However, I managed to disconnect the wireless printer. For 30 minutes I was unable to figure that part out. So giving up on the printer and taking the Internet access connection up as the success I quite. Which put me here telling you about my not so productive two days. I guess you can't predict life huh?

Your friend who had a great plan that didn't work out!