Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Chapter 1: Things don''t always go as planned

So I have to admit...... I have never ever blogged before.. I know it is a shock. So i guess being new to this blog thing I should tell you about myself. So I will be giving you a brief... very brief!

I'm a 25 year old newly engaged young lady. I'm a new teacher in Guilford county. I'm starting my second year teaching a K-1 combo. I graduated from UNCG. I'm a home body I like to hang out and relax. I LOVE my parents. They have been so supportive of everything that I have done throughout my life. I'm getting married to my man in August of next year. He is very sweet. We met through a mutual friends of ours 6 years ago. We have a son who will turn 2 on the 29th of August. Let me clarify that our son is an English Bulldog. His name is Patch and he is the light of our world. I feel that is enough for now.

So I'm sure you are trying to figure out what exactly it is in my life that didn't go as planned. Based on the description above I have it all right??? Great parents, a man, and a sweet pup. I'm very happy with my life I'm not blogging to complain about that. It is the small things that I'm blogging about. The everyday things that just don't go exactly right. A little background info. I taught my first year at OAk View Elem. I took a retiring teachers job so it was a blessing from God. At the end of the year I was told that I was a surplus teacher. This means that they needed a teacher else where. So I was able to pick the school that I moved to. I choose Peeler Open in Greensboro.

Now Jump forward to this week. I was finally going to be able to move ALL of my stuff to my new room. Hint when I say ALL I  mean 3 truck loads of things. Needless to say I have a lot of stuff to move from my parents house to my new room by Wednesday. My loving mom had taken off Monday of this week to help me move things in. We drive to the school in my uncle's Jimmy. (FYI the Jimmy has NO AC) So we go into the school to look at the room. To my surprise the custodian join us in my room. She informs me that my room is not ready because the floors are not ready. Then she tells me that Wednesday we would be able to start moving in.

My mom and I leave the school and go shopping. I have at this point not mentioned that earlier that morning we had to drop my new car off to get a fule sensor replaced. So well shopping I get a call from the dealership telling me that the part that was ordered from the factory was bad so my car was not ready. They did at least pay for me to get a rental car. So I was very unproductive on Monday. So we now arrive to this morning. I call my school just to make sure that I would really be able to move in.........Guess what..............yup you got it I could not move in. I was told that the best they could do is Thursday. To add to the news the schools are closed on Fridays right now.

So I was bummed and decided that I would go shop or window shop. This way I would be closer to the dealership so when my car was ready I could go get it. Well I will give you 3 guesses as to what happened with that and the first 2 don't count. If you guessed that it was not ready you are a smart cookie. The new part that they ordered came from out of Michigan. It was not shipped here till late the night before. So I have not car. I was told I would have it by tomorrow (We hope). So to round out my day I found out that our wireless router died. So we go to Staples for and emergency trip to get a new router.

So I decided I would try my hand at set up the new wireless router. After all together 3-4 hours I finally got the Internet up. However, I managed to disconnect the wireless printer. For 30 minutes I was unable to figure that part out. So giving up on the printer and taking the Internet access connection up as the success I quite. Which put me here telling you about my not so productive two days. I guess you can't predict life huh?

Your friend who had a great plan that didn't work out!

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